I’ve spent a lot of time unraveling my subconscious mind to understand its influence in my life. ⠀
Even though I’ve learned not to make stories about things, my body lets me know when I’m affected, even if I don’t want to be. When I’m “triggered”, my body is flooded with heart palpitations, anxiety, stomach queasiness, digestive issues & even sweating. TRULY POWERFUL STUFF. ⠀
From birth, our subconscious mind has been keeping tally of information, experiences & interactions. These imprints become beliefs & the lens through which we see the world, shaping our values, priorities & opinions. Ultimately it is our beliefs that determine the outcomes of our lives. ⠀
Through learning & reflection, I have discovered when things trigger my rejection or abandonment “lens”, it means “I’m not worthy”. After years of self-development, I’ve been able to trace it back to it’s original source, dismantling its charge & freeing myself from this hindering (NOT true) belief. ⠀
So, other than a straight-up panic attack 😫 how do we know if we have beliefs that don’t serve us? ⠀
❇️ There are patterns in your life that keep recurring (Always attracting the “emotionally unavailable” guy)😏eh hem⠀
❇️ There are sensitive topics that really push your buttons? (A breakdown in communication or being ghosted)😤⠀
❇️ Fears or insecurities that keep you from taking action (What will people think of me?)😰⠀
❇️ Resentment or blame to someone who wronged you? 😡⠀
Once you’ve spotted a not-so-nice feeling belief, now what? I like using aromatherapy & a fanning motion around the bodily sensations to get the energy moving. I use focus & breath to visualize clearing out the energy. ⠀
Once calm 🧘♀️ I quiet my mental chatter & connect with my inner being to allow new insights to surface. 🌤⠀ Since thoughts are energy, I have found that by bringing awareness to these “stressful energy sensations”, I can actually clear the source of the belief. Once these old patterns are no longer holding me captive, I can realize my full potential, love without limits, and powerfully ignite my cellular repair mechanisms. ⠀
Have you noticed any patterns that you’d like to release? How do you clear unwanted beliefs?