How We Age is 80-90% In Our Control

Live long and look good doing it. At 46 years young, that’s kinda my new jam. As part of the High Vibration Community, I know vibrant skin and radiant health is important to you too. Outside the treatment room, my goal is to deliver relevant information in fun and practical ways to boost your facial results, home care products and supplements. All while empowering you with holistic strategies to ignite cellular repair that preserve your beauty for years to come, NOT just put a bandaid on it.

The truth is, I can’t do it without you. Topical support is only part of the equation. It takes YOUR personal commitment to a lifestyle that regularly provides your body with the raw materials it needs to run smoothly. It takes prioritizing consistent self-care practices and favoring a clean and healthy lifestyle over a convenient one. It requires diligent self-awareness to pinpoint and remove any irritants and toxins in diet and environment.

Even if you aren’t thinking about anti-aging quite yet, it’s never too soon to be proactive. Pigmentation, wrinkles and loss of elasticity begin forming many years before they actually show up in the skin! PREVENTION is a much better strategy than DAMAGE REVERSAL.

With that said, the skin is an amazing organ that under the right circumstances can repair chronic skin conditions and get stronger and healthier at any age.

So let’s dive a little deeper into the processes that keep us young and how can we keep our inner factory running smoothly.

The story behind AGING

Biochemical changes responsible for visible changes in the skin:


Fibroblasts are responsible for making new collagen and elastin which form the skin’s infrastructure and gives it strength and resiliency. Less fibroblast activity leaves us susceptible to sagging, lines, and wrinkles. It also creates less ground substance, a gel-like substance in the extracellular space that provides the necessary nutrients for collagen and elastin production, cell development and metabolism as well as hydration of cells. (Think plump and dewy)..


This results in less energy for DNA repair, cellular production, metabolism and enzyme reactions.


Cells take longer to shed and regenerate resulting in loss of suppleness and an increase in dull, rough skin.


With the decline of Langerhans cells, (infection fighters in the skin) our skin becomes less able to fight off pathogens and remove toxins. This pooling of toxins makes us more susceptible to infection and skin cancer.


Melanocytes (pigment-producing cells) decrease by about 10-20% per year, so the remaining melanocytes overcompensate by producing more, creating spotty, uneven texture.

To Sum it up, AGING is…

“The decline of important molecules such as DNA, proteins, collagen, elastin, enzymes, ATP as well as the accumulation of abnormal molecules. Due to less ATP production, there is less energy available for these processes, and a decrease in immune cells. This means aging makes our skin more susceptible to infections, less able to efficiently repair and renew itself, retain moisture and fight free radical damage. Ultimately, how well we age is determined by how effectively our body can repair damaged DNA”.

Two Types of Aging:

Extrinsic Aging is considered to be biological or “environmental” aging. This is how “healthy” we are as a result of physical activity, diet, lifestyle and our environment. These “extrinsic” factors are variable and always changing and determine 80-90% of the visible signs of aging, internal health and ultimately our longevity.

On the other hand, Intrinsic Aging is our chronological and genetic age, which is more or less “fixed” by mother nature and responsible for 10-20% of visible aging. According to research, natural cellular changes in our organs begin around 20 but become visible around 60 years of age. (Remember, the skin is our largest and ONLY visible organ).

Even though we can’t argue with our birth certificate or family tree, we can still turn on and off genes via lifestyle and environmental factors.

If we approach aging mindfully and proactively, we can optimize our body’s natural youth-preserving processes strategically without OVER USING harsh treatments that trigger the wound repair response as a means to get it to replenish itself. (A tactic the skincare industry has used for years to trigger more collagen production).

Our Magical Skin:

The skin is an extremely intricate operating system responsible much more than meets the eye. Its roadmap, a thermometer, transportation, escape route, communication network, and data processing, a reflection of allergies and imbalances, and a shield from the outside world.

Every square inch contains 65 hairs, 100 oil glands, 65 sweat glands, 78 yards of nerves, and 19 yards of blood vessels. It is the largest and only visible organ of the body and is responsible for protecting our organs and cells, maintaining body temperature, keeping itself and our body hydrated, circulating nutrients and eliminating toxins and cellular debris. In addition, it is also continuously repairing and renewing itself! 

In addition facing daily aggravation from environmental threats from UV exposure, pathogens, and pollution, it is either being supported or drained from other factors such as diet, stress, sleep, and lifestyle. 

Any destructive patterns increase the rate of visible aging as well as hinder the body’s ability to retain moisture, heal and regenerate making it even MORE susceptible to RAPID PREMATURE aging.  Thus aging results from a COMBINATION of external damage and compromised cell function.

The Bottom Line:

WE have the power to influence how our skin ages by how well we care for it, inside and out. We can delay, lessen and possibly avoid certain age-related symptoms altogether by focusing on DNA repair. When our body’s ability to repair DNA declines, we become susceptible to wrinkles, sagging, loss of firmness, thinning, dilated capillaries and pigmentation.

Controllable Factors affecting extrinsic skin aging:

💟Free Radicals (sun, smoke, chemicals from food and environment etc)
💟Inflammation from Environment, Invasive Treatments and Poor diet
💟Low Mitochondria Function (energy production)
💟Toxic build-up from sluggish circulation
💟Chronic Stress
💟Lifestyle & Diet
💟Impaired Lipid Barrier

To slow aging and preserve your skin’s youth, our Skin Care Objective is to:

Strengthen and extend the life of our cells as they naturally decline with age by:

💠Fueling your body with a nutrient-rich diet
💠Using non-toxic results-driven skincare
💠Internal and external antioxidant protection and collagen support
💠Optimize digestion 
💠Boost internal and external detoxification.



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